Saturday, July 28, 2012

Which 1D Member suites you best?

Hello Directioners,
I've decided to try and make my own quiz on which 1D member suites you best!

DIRECTIONS: Pick a letter on which describes you best and at the end, you will find your results!

1) What do you usually wear on a stroll around the mall, park, etc.?
a. Stripes
b. Blazers
c. Varsity jackets
d. Sweaters / Cardigans
e. Plaid shirts

2) Favorite color?
a. Dark red
b. Orange
c. Yellow
d. Blue
e. Purple

3) What type of boy you most likely want to hang out?
a. Funny, adorable
b. Romantic, slow talking but eager to listen to
c. Sort of a bad boy, talks with words of wisdom
d. Always wants to take you out on dinner, most adorable laugh
e. Romantic, serious- but not quite, can keep your head up all day

4) Favorite food?
a. Carrots
b. Sweet corn
c. Chicken
d. Chinese, Japanese, Italian, Nando's
e. Chocolate

5) What's your mood most of the time?
a. Happy, trying to make a really good joke
b. Normal, trying to ignore all the haters
c. Vain, sleepy, always making quotes
d. Hungry, always in for a laugh
e. Smiling, caring for someone you love

Ready to find out who suits you best? Comment below and tell me who you got!

Congratulations! You got, Louis the tommo Tomlinson!
You like making people laugh and trying to cheer them up.

Congratulations! You got, Harry Edward Styles!
Ignoring all the haters. Orange buddies! He's really hot & dangerous.

Congratulations! You got, Zayn Malik!
Always speaking legendary words. Mostly tired or you would sleep every car/plane trip.

Congratulations! You got, Niall James Horan!
Never can't keep your eye out for food. Sweaters are your style, and you both like laughing.

Congratulations!You got, Liam James Payne!
You care about people you love, trying not to get them hurt or in trouble.

Hope you guys like the quiz!
More posts coming up. Remember, if you cheat, you have to take the test again!
See you babes!

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